Automation Technology Machines
ATM Group company is a cooperation of several companies, which deals with the designing and producing of the machines for food industry.
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ul.Jankowicka 19
44-321 Marklowice
ATM Group company is a cooperation of several companies, which deals with the designing and producing of the machines for food industry.
READ MOREOur engineers, working in well-coordinated team, together with an extensive experience in the food industry,allow us to comprehensive designing of food processing plants, technological lines and an equipment tailored to Client's individual needs. Our lines and equipment are designed for specific Customer requirements.
Each project is individually run, so that we can meet the requirements given by the final customer. In close cooperation with technologists from the food establishments, we already have introduced in the market a lot of innovative products. To meet our Customer expectations, we also supply the technology and technical support.
Projects, which have been completed so far, were conducted in such countries as: Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania.
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